



2024-07-21 01:28:36 来源:网络


of benefit to...的意思??
回答🌟|🕸:受惠不忘🤯🏑-|🥎,施恩不记The Fifth Circuit had struck down the regulation on the theory that the statute implicitly required a cost-benefit analysis by the agency 第五巡回法庭驳倒了这一规章🌺|🎣,基于这样的理论😀-——🍀,法令只含糊不清地要求机构人员做一个成本一利益分析🐑😂——_🤩。Or makes an assignment 是什么🪱_🎣。
一.for the benefit 1. You must study hard for the benefit of your own.为了你自己的利益你必须努力学习🐼__🤠*‍❄。二.of benefit to 1. His suggestion is of benefit to the people.他的建议对人民有好处🦅🐍——🥇🦂。


of benefit to 对…有利in benefit 有资格得到救济金(指生病🦢|🐖🤖、失业等津贴)benefit by 得益于…从…中获得好处by the benefit of 由于…的恩惠for the benefit of adv.为有帮助请点赞😤🐖——_😊🦈。的利益take the benefit 利用破产法赖债benefit country 受援国benefit forgone 丧失的利益state benefit 【英】有帮助请点赞🎁——🍃。
1🍀😚|🐪、用作名词😲*_🐔。意思是😅🌴-🥍🦢:利益🐑--🎑;好处It is said Yogo is of great benefit to human health.据说瑜咖功对人体健康有极大好处🦌-|🐕*。I did it for his benefit.我做这个是为了帮助他🥍🐰_😎🐔。2😩🎀|——*、用作动词🦙_🦉。(常与from,by连用)获益🤔__🐘;得益于The plants benefited from the rain.植物得益于这场雨🦄-🦐。We benefit 是什么😰🌧_——🌼😲。
benefit from什么意思??
benefit from的意思是🐤*|🪆🙀:从…中获益benefit 读法英['benɪfɪt] 美['benɪfɪt]n. 利益🎍|*😼;津贴😳|🤧;义演🦛|——🥍🦣;保险金😪🦜|-🌚;借助vt. 有益于🦡🪀||🎣🌲;得益短语🕷|——🍂:1🥀🏉--🪱🐇、of benefit to 对说完了😖🌈-_🐪🎄。有好处2🪄🪲——🐽、ecological benefit 生态效益🐲--🦉🍀,生态效应3💮🐲——-🌺💫、public benefit 公益4🦆🌹--🦣🏓、maximum benefit 说完了😲-🏆。
My advice is of benefit to you.
be of benefit to sb同意句式??
be of benefit to sb 对某人有益Moderate exercise will be of benefit to you.适度运动对你有益♥——🌺。
1🦉_-🐳🐒、用作名词🐒_🌒🪄。意思是🥌🌕_🎭🤫:利益😖——🦆♟;好处It is said Yogo is of great benefit to human health.据说瑜咖功对人体健康有极大好处🌍__😤🦎。I did it for his benefit.我做这个是为了帮助他🏸-|🌝。2😍-🐆😃、用作动词🌳_🦌。(常与from,by连用)获益🌸-🥊🐞;得益于The plants benefited from the rain.植物得益于这场雨🦠🦎-🐾。We benefit 希望你能满意🧸_——♦🪴。
beneficial 英[ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl] 美[ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl]adj.有利的🐤_-🐚,有益的🐑——🧩;[法]可享受利益的🦋🐤-*。例句🕸🦡-🧨🪳:1🌳🦥-🎇🌳、The payment terms should be beneficial to both sides.付款条件应该对双方都有利🌑__🤯😩。2🐞🎆——🦥、One should be 等会说🏑——🏓。
很多意思的🐏-_🐇,最常用的意思是利益🦩-——🦙,好处n🕸_-*🐗。名词1.利益🐸🎭_😳,好处🪢——-🤓;优势[U][C]The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town.新建成的医院将给全城带来莫大好处🪅-_🌤🦩。2.津贴🦂-🐋,救济金[C][U]3.义演🎣|*🐝,义卖[C]4.【美】收入的)免税部分[U]及物动词vt.1.对到此结束了?🦖🎯——🤫。有益🎑||🍃,有益于The sea air 到此结束了?🐭——-🦅。